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How Much Can I Borrow for a Car Loan in Australia? [2024 UPDATED]

Larissa F. Gasperi
Oct 18, 2023 3:59:35 PM

How Much Can I Borrow for a Car Loan in Australia? 

If you're planning to buy a car in Australia, understanding how much car finance you can borrow is crucial. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the factors that affect your borrowing capacity, how lenders determine your borrowing power, and tips for managing your car loan effectively. Whether you're a first-time car buyer or looking to upgrade, this guide will help you navigate the car financing process with confidence.


Understanding Borrowing Capacity

What is Car Loan Borrowing Capacity?

Borrowing capacity refers to the total amount a lender is willing to allow you to borrow. Knowing your borrowing limits before applying for a car loan helps determine car loan affordability and prevents the disappointment of declined finance enquiries, which can damage your credit score.

Every time you submit a car loan application to a lender, it appears on your credit file. Your credit report will show both the number of finance applications you have made and the outcomes of those applications. Applying for unrealistic loan amounts given your financial situation can lead to declined applications, which serve as red flags to lenders and can damage your credit score.

Factors Affecting Your Borrowing Capacity



Your income is one of the most important factors that lenders consider when determining how much you can borrow for a car loan. The more money you make, the more likely it is that you’ll be approved for a higher loan amount. 

Lenders will look at your gross income to determine your borrowing capacity. They will also consider any other sources of income such as rental income or dividends. 



Your expenses are another important factor that lenders consider when determining your borrowing capacity. Lenders will look at your monthly expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, and other debts to determine how much money you have left over each month to repay your loan. 

Credit Score 


Your credit score is an important factor that lenders use to determine your creditworthiness. A higher credit score means that you’re less of a risk to lenders and more likely to be approved for a higher loan amount. 

Lenders will look at your credit history to determine your credit score. They will consider factors such as whether you’ve made payments on time in the past and whether you have any outstanding debts. 

Employment Status 


Your employment status is another factor that lenders consider when determining your borrowing capacity. If you have a stable job with a regular income, you’re more likely to be approved for a higher loan amount than someone who is self-employed or has an irregular income. 

Lenders will look at your employment history to determine your employment status. They will consider factors such as how long you’ve been employed and whether you’re employed full-time or part-time. 

Type of Car 


The type of car you want to buy also affects your borrowing capacity. Lenders will look at the value of the car and its depreciation rate to determine how much they’re willing to lend you. 

If you’re buying a new car, lenders may be willing to lend you more money than if you’re buying a used car. This is because new cars generally have a higher resale value than used cars. 

Loan Term 


The length of time over which you repay your loan affects the amount lenders are willing to lend you. Generally speaking, shorter loan terms result in a lower total amount you pay back, but with higher monthly payments. Conversely, longer loan terms lead to a higher total amount paid to the lender, but with lower monthly payments. 

Calculating Your Car Loan Borrowing Power

Determine Your Loan Budget

Based on your disposable income, decide how much you can afford to pay monthly for your car loan without compromising other financial obligations or your lifestyle. Use an online car loan calculator to estimate your monthly payments. For a precise rate, apply with Ausloans, where our team will review your details and match you with the best lender for your needs.

Calculating Your Car Loan Borrowing Power

Factor in Car Ownership Costs

Remember that car payments are not the only cost. Include estimates for fuel, insurance, regular maintenance, registration, and potential repairs. These additional costs should fit within your broader financial plans.

Consider the Loan Term

Aim for the shortest loan term with payments that still fit your budget. While longer terms reduce monthly payments, they increase the total interest paid over the loan's life. Plan for future changes in income and expenses to ensure you can manage the loan comfortably.

Tips to Improve Your Borrowing Capacity

  1. Use a Loan Calculator: Determine what your repayments would be on the loan amount you are considering. Check your expenses to ensure you have sufficient funds to service the loan.
  2. Be Realistic About the Car You Can Afford: Adjust the loan amount requested to match what you can reasonably afford.
  3. Have a Deposit: Having at least 10% of the car's value as a deposit can demonstrate responsible financial management and improve your borrowing capacity.
  4. Reduce Credit Card Spending: Lower your credit card balance to below 30% of the limit. This shows lenders that you can manage credit responsibly.
  5. Meet Existing Commitments: Ensure timely payments of existing loans and utility bills. Late payments or defaults are red flags for lenders.
  6. Demonstrate Good Financial Management: Lenders will request at least three months of bank statements to verify your declared income and expenses. Minimise spending in the months leading up to your loan application to reflect good financial management.

Understanding the Total Cost of Car Ownership

Understanding the Total Cost of Car Ownership

While the periodic loan repayments form a significant part of your car budget, they do not encompass the entire cost of car ownership. To manage your finances effectively, it's essential to account for several additional expenses:

Running Costs

Fuel, servicing, and maintenance can add up quickly. It's crucial to estimate these costs based on your vehicle type and usage. Regular maintenance ensures your car runs smoothly and can prevent more costly repairs down the line.


In Australia, compulsory third-party insurance is mandatory. Additionally, comprehensive insurance is recommended to protect your investment. Comprehensive insurance covers damages to your car and others in the event of an accident, theft, or other incidents.

Registration and Fees

Annual registration fees and other government charges are part of owning a car. These should be included in your annual car budget to avoid any surprises.


A car's value depreciates over time, impacting its resale value and overall cost of ownership. Understanding depreciation helps you make informed decisions about buying new versus used cars and managing long-term costs.

By considering all these expenses, you can form a complete picture of what you can afford. It's also a reminder of the importance of speaking with a broker who can help you align your car loan with these broader financial considerations, ensuring you're set up for financial success from the start.

Managing Your Car Loan Effectively

Managing Your Car Loan Effectively

Once you've secured your car loan, effective management is key to maintaining financial stability and achieving your long-term financial goals. Here are some tips to help you manage your car loan successfully:

Stay on Top of Payments

Consistent, on-time payments are crucial. They not only help you avoid late fees but also contribute positively to your credit score. Setting up automatic payments can ensure you never miss a due date.

Make Extra Repayments

If your budget allows, making extra repayments can reduce the interest you pay over time and shorten the life of your loan. However, check with your lender first to ensure there are no penalties for early repayments.

Review Your Loan Regularly

Keep an eye on the market for refinancing options that may offer you a better interest rate or more suitable loan terms. Refinancing can be an excellent way to save money over the life of your loan.

Maintain Good Financial Practices

Ensure that you continue to meet all your existing loan and utility commitments by paying on time and in full. Demonstrating good financial management can benefit your credit score and improve your future borrowing capacity.

Communicate with Your Lender

If you encounter financial difficulties, contact your lender as soon as possible. They may offer solutions such as temporary payment holidays or adjusted repayment plans to help you manage your loan more effectively.

Overcoming Borrowing Capacity Challenges

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you may face challenges in meeting the borrowing capacity requirements. Here are some strategies to help you overcome these challenges:

Adjust Your Loan Amount

Be realistic about the type of car you can afford and adjust the amount requested on your finance application to match your financial situation.

Save for a Larger Deposit

Having a deposit of at least 10% of the car's value can improve your borrowing capacity and demonstrate financial responsibility to lenders.

Reduce Discretionary Spending

Lowering your credit card spending and keeping your balance below 30% of the limit can help improve your credit score and borrowing capacity.

Consolidate Existing Debts

If you have multiple debts, consider consolidating them into a single loan with a lower interest rate. This can simplify your repayments and improve your financial profile.

Improve Your Credit Score

Take steps to improve your credit score by paying bills on time, reducing outstanding debts, and regularly checking your credit report for errors. A higher credit score increases your borrowing capacity and improves your chances of loan approval.

Seek Professional Advice

If you're unsure about how to improve your borrowing capacity or manage your finances, consider seeking advice from a financial advisor or broker. They can provide tailored advice based on your specific circumstances and help you navigate the lending process more effectively.

Conclusion: Steering Towards Financial Success with Your Car Loan

Navigating the car loan process can be complex, but with careful planning and proactive management, you can achieve financial success. By understanding your borrowing capacity, calculating an affordable loan amount, and considering the total cost of car ownership, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial goals.

Effective loan management involves staying on top of repayments, making extra payments where possible, and regularly reviewing your loan terms. Additionally, adopting good financial practices and seeking professional advice can help you overcome borrowing capacity challenges and improve your financial health.

At Ausloans, we are committed to helping you drive off into the horizon with confidence and peace of mind. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring your car loan experience is positive and successful. When you're ready to take the next step in your car ownership journey, we'll be here to assist you, providing tailored financial solutions that work for you.

Thank you for considering Ausloans for your car financing needs. We look forward to helping you achieve your car ownership dreams while maintaining financial stability and success.



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