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Buying A Used Caravan: What To Look For (2024 UPDATE)

Chris Hopkins
Sep 23, 2021 9:20:28 AM

With so much of the world closed for business, travel options are extremely limited right now. That is unless you have a caravan. However, while caravans afford you immense freedom to go where you want when you want, they’re not all that easy to shop for. Particularly if you’re in the market for a second-hand caravan, the process can be daunting.

When you’re buying a second-hand caravan, there are countless options available to you. This can be exciting and overwhelming all at once. So, to help you shop for second-hand caravans, check out our used caravan buying guide. In this guide, we cover exactly what to look for when buying a second-hand caravan. Here’s what we’ll look at:

Why choose a second-hand caravan?
Things to think about before you buy.
The best time to buy a used caravan.
Where to buy used caravans.
Arranging a viewing for a second-hand caravan.
Buying a used caravan checklist.
What paperwork do you need to see?
Negotiating with the seller.
How to pay for a second-hand caravan.
12 Tips to Avoid Common Buying Mistakes


Used caravans are great for holidaymakers on a budget. While new caravans will inevitably cost tens of thousands of dollars, many second-hand caravans are very reasonably priced. If that wasn’t enough, they also hold their value better than new ones. This means wear and tear will matter far less. Plus, you may be able to sell yours for a similar price later on.

There are also many different makes and models out there. So, finding the perfect caravan for your needs shouldn’t be a problem. And, given that most caravanners take great care of their vehicles, you’ll usually find that they’re sold in top condition.

Things to think about before you buy a used caravan


Before you start browsing second-hand caravans for sale, you’ll need to ask yourself some important questions. They will help you to narrow down your search faster and make the buying process less stressful.

What caravan can you afford?

The price of your new caravan will depend on several factors. These include the make, model, and specifications and the mileage, age, and markup. So, set a budget. You can find cheap second-hand caravans for sale if you want something basic. However, you may have to raise your limits for, say, used off-road caravans with en-suite bathrooms.

Caravan layout

The layout of your new caravan will be crucial. At the end of the day, this is going to be your holiday home. So, it has to be comfortable for everybody. Ask yourself how many people will need to sleep in the caravan and start looking for models with the right number of beds. Keep in mind that the designated bed spaces in a caravan are called “berths.”

The amenities will be similarly important. You may, for example, need to look for secondhand caravans with toilet and shower facilities. But, if you’re planning on heading exclusively to campsites, inbuilt facilities might not be necessary.

Towing vehicle


Your car has to be able to safely tow your caravan. Therefore, knowing its towing capacity will be essential. This just means the maximum weight the car can tow according to the manufacturer. You should be able to find it in your car’s handbook.

As a general rule, you should not attempt to tow any fully laden caravan that is more than 85% of the car’s curb weight. This is especially true for inexperienced caravanners. If the car you have is too small, you may need to upgrade that first. Remember that you won’t be able to drive your new caravan away without an appropriate towing vehicle.

Other considerations

Other important considerations include how often you’d like to use the caravan. If you plan on taking it out often and for long trips, your requirements are likely to be different. For example, you might want more space and a better bathroom, kitchen, and dining facilities if you use your caravan all the time.

How the caravan looks is similarly significant. However, don’t let a shoddy interior put you off. You can decorate a secondhand caravan cheaply and effectively. So, if you find one that looks dated but has everything you need, you should still consider investing. 

The best time to buy a used caravan

If you go through a dealer, the best time of year to buy a used caravan is around Christmastime. This is when foot traffic through dealerships is at its lowest as caravanners wait for the latest models to be released. So, sellers tend to be more willing to cut a good deal.

With private sellers, however, you might be better off shopping in the winter months. Most people are more likely to retire their old caravans in the colder weather. So, there are sure to be plenty on offer.


Where to buy used caravans


You can find used caravans for sale online, at dealerships, and through manufacturers. If you’re unsure where to start looking, check out the pros and cons of each.

Private sellers

You can find secondhand caravans for sale on Gumtree, Facebook Marketplace, and more. All you have to do is filter your search based on your requirements and browse the wide selection available. This is how most buyers find the best deals.

And, because private online sellers don’t work on commission, you’ll have more wiggle room when it comes to negotiating. Not to mention the fact that the seller might be happy to throw in some extras to sweeten the deal. If, for example, they’re giving up caravanning for good, you could end up driving away with an awning and some camping chairs, too.

However, you will have to do extra research to ensure the seller is legitimate and the caravan is as described. There are also extra charges you may have to cover if you buy through a private seller, such as servicing. So, while the lower overall cost is likely to be worth it, you’ll have to do more to make sure the sale goes smoothly.

Caravan dealers

Another option is to browse and buy through registered dealers. The downside of doing so is that you will almost definitely pay more than if you were buying a used caravan privately. But, on the other hand, you are better protected from a legal standpoint.

For starters, any caravan purchased through a dealer must have been serviced and will carry a warranty. Further, dealers are legally obligated to tell you whether or not your caravan is in a roadworthy condition. So, you can be sure of the quality of your caravan before you take it home. Then, once it’s yours, you have recourse if something goes wrong.

Caravan manufacturers

Some manufacturers sell refurbished, secondhand caravans to the public. They’re unlikely to be advertised as widely as newer models, though. As such, you may have to sign up to manufacturer mailing lists to find out when and how to buy. Just bear in mind that the used models' manufacturers sell tend to be higher-end and more up-market. Therefore, they are generally fairly expensive.

Arranging a viewing for a secondhand caravan

When you find a used caravan you love, you should arrange a viewing. This is particularly important for people who buy from a private seller. Viewing the vehicle is the only surefire way to ensure that it looks and performs as it’s supposed to. Some sellers even post fake listings, so arranging a viewing will help you steer clear of scammers.

Similarly, some people sell stolen caravans. So, before you make an appointment, it’s worth carrying out a background check. You don’t want to fall in love with a caravan that wasn’t acquired by legitimate means. You could end up losing both it and your money if you’re not careful.

Once your viewing has been arranged, it’s time to do some research. If you show up unprepared, it’s all too easy to forget to ask important questions or inspect key areas. So, make a list of questions. These could include but are not limited to the following:

● How long ago was the caravan serviced?
● How many times has the caravan been used?
● What sorts of trips has the caravan been on?
● How old is the caravan?
● Does the caravan require any major maintenance work?

You should also take a notebook, a pen, and a camera. That way, you can make note of any issues you find and jot down new questions that come to mind.


Buying a used caravan checklist

buying a used caravan checklist

Going to view a caravan can be really exciting. Still, it’s important to keep a cool head. Until you’ve carried out some thorough checks, there’s no telling whether it will be right for you. And don’t worry, you won’t need much technical know-how. As long as you know what red flags to look for, your inspection should go smoothly. A handy checklist could be invaluable here.

It’s worth noting that, if the owner refuses to let you check the caravan, that could be a sign there’s something wrong with it. Most sellers, however, won’t have a problem with you taking a good look around. To help you carry out an effective inspection, here’s what to check when buying a used caravan.

Is the caravan watertight?

Damp can be disastrous for caravanners. If water makes its way in, it will cause damage to the walls, floor, roof, and structure. So, check to make sure the secondhand vehicle you’re viewing is watertight. The best way to do so is with a damp metre, which you can purchase from your local DIY shop. Or the seller might have one that you can use.

The areas where you’re most likely to find damp in a caravan are by the roof light, the windows, and the door. Check inside cupboards, too, especially if they have a corresponding outside seal. Around these and other areas, inspect the wallpaper for signs of discoloration and press any areas you’re suspicious of. If they’re stained and soft, that’s a telltale sign of water damage.

Does the caravan have rust?

Rust is another big problem for caravan owners. Some older caravans are more susceptible because many were built before rust-proofing materials became mainstream. If you accidentally invest in a used caravan with rust problems, you could end up spending a fortune on repairs.

The key places to look for rust are on the galvanized frame and the steadies underneath the caravan. It can also commonly be found in window and door sills, under floor mats, and on exhaust pipes. Bubbles on the external paintwork are another key indicator that you should check for.

Is the caravan secure?

Security is crucial in a caravan. So, during the viewing, check the catches and hinges. They must be able to move freely and lock effectively. Also, keep an eye out for cracks in the windows. Any damage could compromise the caravan’s safety and be expensive to fix.


Checking the exterior


Damage to a caravan’s exterior can be unsightly and expensive to repair. Remember that just because you’re buying used doesn’t mean you have to settle for poor quality. So, here’s what to look for when buying a secondhand caravan, starting with the exterior.


Check to see whether the walls are scratched, warped, or dented. Keep an eye out for bubbling paint, which can be a sign of a rust problem. Finally, ensure the seals around the windows are tight and have no gaps.


Look out for leaks and make sure all roof accessories have been installed correctly and kept in good condition.


The tread on the caravan’s tyres needs to be 1.5mm at a minimum and the wear should be even across all four wheels. If not, they will be considered unroadworthy. You should also check for punctures and signs of cracking or bulging. Look at the date stamp, too, to be certain the tyres aren’t too old to drive on.

Towing equipment

Have a look at the hitch. If it’s damaged, that could be a sign that the caravan was obtained by illegal means. It’s also important to ascertain whether the hitch will be compatible with your towing vehicle. Next, test the jockey wheel to make sure it moves with ease.

Cables and connectors

Inspect the electrical cables for signs of fraying. You should also check the connectors for the caravan’s gas bottle. Then, make sure both electric and gas work as expected.


Checking the Interior


Now for the interior checks that you’ll need to carry out when viewing a secondhand caravan.


You must first find out whether there’s a working smoke detector and a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Check all the appliances and find out whether they work properly. Then, have a look at their electrical tags to ensure they are test and tag compliant. Finally, inspect all cupboards for signs of disrepair


Turn on the taps and shower to test the running water. You should also check to see if the hot water works as, it should. Take some time to look at the plumbing and look out for leaks.


Ask yourself whether the beds are comfortable enough for you and your family and if they’re easy enough to use. The amount of space you have in each berth may also be a consideration.

Living Area

It’s important that you enjoy the furniture, so try out the sofas and chairs. As you do, take note of whether they’re damaged or smelly.


Try all the light switches and make sure there are enough power boards for your needs. If possible, you could also test out a charging wire or something similar. And don’t forget to check if the appliances, television, and radio all work, too.

Taking the caravan for a test drive


If the seller allows it, hitch the caravan to your towing vehicle and take it for a test drive. While some owners might be hesitant, it is crucial that you check everything works as it should when in transit. Test driving a used caravan will give you an invaluable insight into how it performs on the road. It’s also a great opportunity to practice setting up with the previous owner there to talk you through the process.

Be mindful of how sturdy the caravan feels as you tow it, particularly during braking and around corners. Take it onto the freeway to check how it works at top speed, too. You could even test it out off-road if you’re in the market for second-hand off-road caravans. Doing so is the only way to be sure that the vehicle is safe to tow.

Remember to give yourself more space and time to brake, reverse, and accelerate during the drive, especially if it’s your first time. Also, don’t forget to adhere to the lower speed limit when you’re towing. For example, in Western Australia, the maximum legal speed limit is 100km/h for any vehicle towing a caravan.

What paperwork do you need to see?

So, you enjoyed the test drive and think this might be the caravan for you. Before you jump into negotiating, you need to check that the documentation is correct. As such, you should ask to see:

● The caravan’s handbook.
● Records of service history.
● Valid warranties.
● Certificates for gas and electricity.
● The registration papers.
● Instruction manuals.

Look through and check that what the owner has told you is consistent with what you find in the documents. If, say, the caravan’s last service wasn’t as recently as promised, ask the seller why. Or, if the vehicle identification number (VIN) you find on the caravan isn’t the same as the one listed in the registration papers, you have your reasons to be suspicious. 

Negotiating with the Seller


As long as everything is as it should be, you can start to think about paying for your used caravan. But, before you put any money down, try negotiating. This will be easier if you’re buying through a private seller. They are far more likely to be open to doing a deal below the asking price. Plus, if you found any faults during your checks, you can use this as leverage.

However, don’t set your price too low or too high, and don’t attempt to play hardball. If you’re respectful and fair, chances are you’ll end up with a better deal. The same can be said for negotiating with dealers. A big difference here, though, is that you’ll probably struggle to get a better price out of a dealer.

Instead, try negotiating on things like warranties, guarantees, and servicing. Or ask for extra accessories to be thrown into the mix to make the deal more worth your while. At the end of the day, if you don’t ask, you won’t get what you want.

How to pay for a secondhand caravan

There are a couple of different options available to you when it comes to buying a secondhand caravan. Generally speaking, though, you’ll need to take out a loan to pay. While you might get a great deal, used caravans are still expensive, especially if they’re nearly new or well looked after.

When buying through a dealer, you’ll usually be offered a loan through their in-house finance agencies. This is often the most convenient route, although you’re unlikely to get the best rates. That's where Ausloans can help. We are experts in caravan finance and have access to multiple lenders to help you find the best finance deal. 

Our advice is to organise your finance before you start shopping around for your dream caravan. The second-hand caravan market can be a fickle place. So, if you don’t secure a loan quickly, the seller may move on to the next best offer.

Finding the best caravan finance rates online

To find competitive personal loans fast, apply through an established finance group with an extensive panel of lenders. As a prime example, here at Ausloans, we can offer the best caravan finance rates in Australia. All you need to do is complete the paperless application form, which shouldn’t take more than two minutes. Then, from a panel of over 40 lenders, you will be matched with quotes that make sense for your circumstances.

With Ausloans, you could get your secondhand caravan loan approved within minutes of starting an application. All you have to do then is set up a payment plan before driving away with your used caravan.

Secondhand caravan insurance

Don’t forget to insure your secondhand caravan. There are a few options available to you, although it is recommended that you opt for comprehensive insurance cover. If, however, you choose third-party fire and theft insurance or third-party property insurance, you will only be covered under a small number of circumstances.

With comprehensive used caravan insurance, you’ll have a safety net if disaster strikes. This could include accidental damage, fire damage, theft, and more. The exact protections you can expect, though, will depend on the insurance provider and policy you choose.

12 Tips to Avoid Common Buying Mistakes

Buying a new caravan is exciting. But, since a motor home is such a big investment, you must take your time with the purchase. Whether you spend a modest amount or splurge, you’ll need to do everything you can to ensure it’s money well spent. If you do, you’re far more likely to buy a caravan that’s right for you.

So, before you plan your next road trip along winding coastal roads, past red rock canyons, and through wide open plains, plan your purchase first. These 12 top tips will help you avoid making common caravan buying mistakes.

1. Research Your Dream Caravan

dream caravan

Shopping with purpose is key, so you’ll need to do plenty of research. Given the amount of choice you’ll have when you buy a caravan, it can be an overwhelming task, particularly for first-time caravan buyers. So, it’s a good idea to look into standard caravan layouts and the optional extras you can expect to find. This will help you hone in on the right vehicle for your needs.

Familiarise yourself with typical price ranges, too. You’re far less likely to make an ill-advised purchase during the caravan buying process if you know what you can expect for your money.

2. Stick to Your Budget

caravan budget

Budgeting is never going to be the best part of buying a new caravan. But, for such a sizable investment, you have to be realistic. So, once you know what you can expect to find in each price range, set limits and stick to them. This will also help you decide how to finance your caravan, which we’ll discuss in more detail later.

Keep in mind that you always have the option of haggling if the caravan you want to buy is a little out of reach. You could even choose to rent the caravan out when you’re not using it, which might free up some additional funds and assist with the budgeting options.

3. Make Sure the Amenities Are Suitable

perfect caravan

Always look closely at each caravan’s amenities. The whole point of buying a caravan is that it has to be fit to live in. So, make sure there’s plenty of room to cook in the kitchen, especially if you have a big family. Modern gadgets might be useful, but try not to opt for modernity over practicality. After all, you can always buy high-quality, cost-effective kitchen accessories later.

Take a look at the washroom and toilet facilities, too. If you want to holiday comfortably, you probably won’t appreciate a cramped shower. Many two-berth caravans have shower rooms that span the rear of the vehicle, but there are some in which you might struggle to move with the door closed.

4. Attend Caravan Shows

caravan show

One of the most efficient ways to find a caravan is to attend caravan shows. Check out hundreds of different exhibitors and inspect their latest offerings all in one jam-packed day. If you want a thorough snapshot of the caravan market right now, there’s no better place to go.

Depending on the Australian caravan show you attend, there may also be a schedule of seminars and workshops. These are often invaluable for new caravanners hoping to sharpen their skills before their first trip.

5. Consider Buying a Second Hand Caravan


New isn’t always best. So, don’t discount the idea of buying a second-hand caravan because that’s often how you find the best deals. With time and patience, you could find the perfect cheap caravan that’s as good as new.

However, you should avoid buying second-hand caravans through online caravan auctions. Instead, look for a licensed caravan dealer with a wide selection available. You’ll be able to ask plenty of questions before making your selection and have more rights if there’s a problem post-purchase.

6. Don’t Ignore Caravan Towing Weight

Unless you plan on investing in a new car, too, the car you already own will need to be capable of towing a caravan. As such, it’s important not to jump into a purchase without checking the caravan's weight against the car’s towing capacity. Both should be specified by their respective manufacturers.

Ideally, your caravan’s maximum mass should not equate to more than 85% of your towing vehicle or car’s kerb weight. The kerb weight is the weight of the car with a full tank of fuel and without passengers or cargo. However, as long as the caravan does not weigh more than 100% of the towing vehicle’s kerb weight, it can still be towed, albeit not as easily.

7. Factor in the Payload

When trying to work out how heavy the caravan you buy should be, keep the payload in mind. If you buy a caravan that weighs the same as your towing vehicle’s kerb weight, it will be too heavy once you load it up. The payload includes such items as:

  • Leisure battery.
  • Motor mover.
  • Television.
  • Cookware.
  • Water.
  • Gas bottles.

Therefore, you should aim to buy a caravan that is lighter than 85% of the car’s kerb weight. That way, you won’t run the risk of having an overweight caravan after you pack it.

8. Keep Road Conditions in Mind

caravan towing road conditions

Ask yourself where you want to go when you buy a caravan. If you plan on driving it across the rough terrain of the Australian outback, you’ll need a semi-off-road caravan. Also known as off-road hybrid caravans, they have higher ground clearance and more durable suspensions. In addition, you can expect them to have a filtered pressure system that will keep the interior free from dust.

9. Choose the Right Caravan for You

caravan amenities

You have to balance what you need with the features you want. So, think about practical things like towing weight and budget. Then, decide what you’d really like to have in your caravan and consider whether it’s realistic. This could include, say, extra storage space, high-tech gadgets, or even an ensuite bathroom.

Try making a list of everything you want before you start searching. If you find that it’s completely out of reach, you may have to revisit your list of demands. It helps to be sensible when you’re buying a caravan for you and your family.

10. Think About Deal Breakers

While practicality is often key when caravan shopping, there’s no point in buying one that you really can’t stand. So, along with your list of wants, write down any deal breakers. These are the features that you absolutely will not settle for. Then, take the list out to dealerships with you to remind you of everything you’d like to avoid, for example:

  • Fold-out beds.
  • Pop tops.
  • Small kitchen worktops.
  • No washing machine.
  • Height, length, and weight deal breakers.

Remember that, ultimately, your caravan is your holiday home, so you have to be happy spending time in it. By writing out lists of wants and deal breakers, you're more likely to stay focused as you shop. Caravan buying can be draining, so it helps to remind yourself of your must-haves and must-nots. Otherwise, you might end up settling on a whim.

11. Find the Right Caravan Financing Option

perfect caravan finance

Once you’ve decided which caravan to buy, you can begin to think about financing options. Buying outright is one, although that’s not always possible for more expensive models. Caravans cost a significant amount of money, especially when you buy them brand new. So, consider financing your caravan to cover the costs.

There are lots of different loan products available from banks and other financial institutions, the challenge is determining which finance option is right for you. That's where Ausloans can help.

As Australia's largest independent finance aggregator, we have access to one of the largest lender panels in the country and have caravan loan options for all credit profiles. We take the pain out of caravan finance by doing all the hard work for you. We don't just compare lenders we match you with the best lenders for your credit profile and deliver you real offers with real rates from guaranteed lenders. The whole process takes under 10 minutes, won't affect your credit score, and starts with our simple, paperless online application.

12. Prepare for the Handover

Now for the exciting bit: the handover. This is where you’ll finally pick up the keys and take your new caravan home with you. So, first things first, make sure you have the right trailer connection plug fitted to your towing vehicle. Towing mirrors are also recommended, as is having a full tank of petrol.

During the handover, you’re likely to have a lot of information thrown at you, so take plenty of notes. You could even record video footage or ask the caravan dealer to take you on a test drive. Just try and soak up as much as you can because there’s so much to learn about the different makes and models.

Finally, take the time to check carefully for damage and scratches. You don’t want to have to foot a big repair bill when you’ve only just picked your new vehicle up. So, it’s important to point out any problems you find and ensure they’re resolved before driving a caravan away.

How to Avoid Caravan Buying Mistakes

Buying a new caravan tends to be a long and involved process. As a result, it’s easy to make mistakes. Whether you’re a first-time caravanner or a seasoned pro, a family vacationer, or a month-long road tripper, you should follow the above 12 tips. They will help you buy a caravan you love for the best possible price.

Caravan Finance Rates: What You Need to Know

Considering buying a caravan and touring around Australia this summer? Caravanning is a great family holiday alternative and with a host of free camping grounds across the country, there's no shortage of great locations for your next holiday. However, before you jump in the deep end and race out looking at caravans, it pays to know what caravan finance rate you qualify for and your borrowing power. That's where Ausloans can help.

What is the Best Low-Rate Caravan Finance in Australia?

If you conduct a quick Google search of caravan finance rates you will be presented with a range of listings. However, a quick glance at the listings shows that rates vary between lenders.

With so many different rates being advertised, you could be forgiven for feeling confused by both rates on offer and which lender to choose. In fact, one of the most frequently asked questions we get is, "what rate can you offer me?"

What's Your Caravan Finance Rate?

There is no simple answer to this question as every lender is different and lender rates offered are based on a number of variables including income, credit history, age of the caravan, and capacity to name a few.

To determine the rate on offer, lenders assess each customer's personal credit profile against their lending criteria. Based on this, they will offer the customer a personalised rate. In other words, you don't always get the advertised rate. These are only an indication of the best rate available so be warned that your personalised rate may be quite different from the advertised rate.

Herein lies the purchaser's lender challenge. Many caravan buyers begin their buyer's journey not really knowing how much they can borrow (capacity) or the rate available to them. Simply visiting a loan comparison site and then using the advertised rate and a loan repayment calculator to first, determine repayments and affordability and then, submit an application to the lender, is a flawed practice that could ultimately impact your credit score.

Let me explain. Every time you submit a finance application to a lender it impacts your credit score. Choosing the lender based on the lowest rate on offer could work for you if you have a high credit score and an unblemished credit history, but it could also damage your credit rating if you fail to qualify, especially if you submit applications to multiple lenders in quick succession.

So what about that caravan finance calculator? Caravan finance calculators are designed to give you an indication of how much your caravan repayments might be if you qualified for the rate you entered into the repayment calculator. This is not necessarily the rate you will be offered by the lender.

The challenge for the purchaser when looking to buy a caravan is knowing exactly how much you can borrow, the rate you will be offered, and how much the loan will cost you on a weekly basis (weekly repayments).

Solving the Caravan Finance Challenge

While the information on loan rates and repayments above outlines the challenges of working out your borrowing capacity, there is a simple solution: get pre-approved for caravan finance before commencing your search for the perfect van.

Forget scouring the web and submitting finance applications with multiple lenders and let Ausloans do the work for you. Here's the advantage of using our specialist caravan finance service.

Ausloans is Australia's largest independent finance specialist and with over 40 lenders and the most advanced lender matching software in the industry, we are able to assess your lending capacity and deliver you real rate offers from multiple lenders without impacting your credit score.

How? When you submit a finance inquiry through our 2-minute online application form, our advanced lending software, Zink, instantaneously matches your credit profile against the lending criteria of all available lenders and delivers a report on which lenders are prepared to offer you the finance you need.

Zink doesn't just match you with lenders, it delivers all the information you need to make an informed decision about which loan and rate are best for you, including the total amount the lender is prepared to offer, the personal interest rate on offer from the lender, and the weekly or monthly repayments required to service the loan. All of this is done using a soft touch credit check so it won't affect your credit score.

The only time you run the risk of a potential hit to your credit score is when a full application is submitted to a lender. But don't worry, we've got you covered here and minimise this risk by only submitting to the lender of your choice from the panel of lenders we know are willing to offer you a caravan loan.

It's simply the easiest and safest way for caravan purchasers to find the right finance solution for their needs and circumstances without impacting their credit score.

Our advice when looking to finance a caravan is to know your real borrowing capacity and weekly repayments before you begin your search. It can save a lot of time, help you focus your search on what you can realistically afford, and help you avoid the disappointment of finance refusal.

Ready to get started? Get your personal rate and get pre-approved caravan finance today.

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